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Pink Sugar


We are a group of women who want to change the world by giving. There are so many issues in this world that need attention. We can sit back and point out what's wrong or we can become the solution and give to the right non-profits that are trying to fix these issues. Every year, we host an event called Wine and Dresses. At this event, we sell gently used dresses, auction off door prizes, provide food and drinks, highlight our sponsors and more. All proceeds go to the non-profit that we are supporting that year. We have raised money in the past for Warren Village, Casa de Paz, Latina SafeHouse, Ameelio and this year we have chosen a local non-profit called "From Silenced to Saved". This non-profit helps survivors of human trafficking rebuild their lives. Please join us on our mission to change the world by giving to those organizations trying to solve big problems of today!  

We believe all women can embrace who they are,
can define their future, and can change the world.

Our Mission

Our Mission

Our mission is to inspire and empower women to bring positive change to the world through philanthropy. We host an annual event, Wine & Dresses, to help equip and empower women and children to get involved and be aware of local issues. Wine & Dresses is a unique event that combines education, entertainment, and networking to create a powerful experience. We strive to provide a safe, respectful, and empowering environment for all participants. Through Wine & Dresses, we hope to create a lasting impact and help bring positive change to the world.


Our Vision

Our vision for a non-profit is to create positive change in our community. We want to make our community aware of the local issues and the non-profits working hard to address them. We will strive to educate, inform, and empower our community to take action in support of these non-profits. Through fundraising efforts, we will provide resources to local non-profits so they can continue to make a difference in our community. We believe that together, we can create lasting change and bring about a brighter future for our community.

What we do

How we work with the JBS Awareness Foundation to make an impact

Image by Colin Lloyd
Pink Sugar

We Need Your Support Today!

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